Monday, April 14, 2008

What are we doing?

I have been looking around lately, and have been asking myself a very serious question. What are we doing? Well as a simple answer, we are destroying our world. That's right, you read the answer correctly; we are destroying our world. Many believe that we are "just advancing our civilization", however this is coming with a cost to the natural world.

By humans "advancing our civilization", we are destroying biodiversity on this planet. The Earth needs biodiversity to be able to function and to keep everything living, but what do we care? So what if a few species have to become extinct in order of us to better ourselves? People, we are not looking at this in terms of long-run consequences that could happen. By killing off species, we are in turn killing off the planet because of the role those species played in keeping up the Ecosystem.

What is more important, having a place to live, or being more advanced? Well simply put, if we kill the planet and have no place to live, what good is being more advanced? WE WILL BE DEAD! I do not believe that NASA will get to a point in our existence that would allow us to travel through the cosmos and find another planet that will be sustainable to our existence, that is purely science fiction for the time being. We need to nurse our world back to health, is this how we want to the world to be for our children? I know that I don't. Please, open your eyes and see what you are doing now, before it becomes too late and the damage is irreversible.
