Sunday, February 24, 2008

Posing a question.

Today's post is going to be a little different. My intent is just to throw out a question, there is no answer, but just something to think about. AIDS is considered an epidemic, there is no question to that, it has spread to many countries, and has claimed the lives of millions. At first, there were rare patients that had a disease unlike any doctor had ever seen before, but by the 80s it was spreading. AIDS is a very powerful disease, and at last check the outlook is not good for a future cure. Now, with that being said I will pose my question. Do you think it's possible the Governments (Not just the US Government, but all the Governments) are using AIDS and even Cancer as a sort of population control?

It is hard for me to believe that as quickly as the pharmaceutical companies work, that we do not have a cure. Some may think that this is just a crazy idea, why would the Government allow such a thing to happen to it's people? If you recall from an earlier post, I showed the worlds population is getting out of control. Even if a million people were to die, it wouldn't make an impact on the environment, we would still be too large. I think it is a very plausible idea that the Governments could be using this as a way to weed down the population, without the population knowing what is going on.

What are you thoughts on this subject?


Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Message?

There have been several reports of UFO sightings lately, but what do these all mean? There have always been reports of UFOs dating back to even the earliest of days. The Egyptians referred to seeing them, but today we refer to them as "ancient astronauts". Christopher Columbus mentioned seeing lights flying above him as he was making his way to the new world. Obviously, people saying they have seen a UFO is no new concept. The question is what are these things? Are they something that naturally occurs in our world, but we just don't understand what we are seeing, or could there really be beings from distant planets that are visiting our world? I will let you answer the question to how you feel about the subject.

From my point of view, I can at times be torn on the subject. I am a strong believer that there are other civilizations through out the galaxies, but I am not sure if they are the ones visiting earth. We are such an underdeveloped culture, that I don't know why they would take an interest in us. At any one time we could be on the verge of destroying ourselves. By the same token, maybe that is what they find so interesting about our civilization. Maybe they are just making observations to see what humanity does to itself without any interactions from being on the outside.

What I am really curious about is if the Government knows what is going on. There has been only one President of the US that I can think of that has actually talked about aliens. In three separate occasions Ronald Reagan brought up aliens when speaking to the public. He has said that the world would unite and differences would fade very fast if we had to work together against a threat from outside of our planet. Some may hear this and think it was just the ramblings of a mad man. However, I believe that Reagan knew and understood something that we, the public, knew nothing about. Steven Spielberg had a private showing of the movie "E.T." for Reagan in the White House. After watching the movie, it was reported that Reagan turned to Spielberg and made a statement that only a handful of people knew the real truth. The question is why is the Government keeping a secret from the public. God knows there have been enough alien movies in Hollywood that we should be able to handle the truth now, without the fear of creating mass panic. There is something out there, we just want to know what it is.
What do you think about this subject? I would really like to hear your opinions. Until next time.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Are there times when you notice the time 11:11 a lot more? Is it just something that randomly draws your attention? I am not sure. I have been noticing the time 11:11 a lot lately. It doesn't matter if the clock is correct or not, I have a couple clocks that are set two hours ahead of my time zone, and my attention is still drawn to the clock when it says 11:11.

What is about this number that just seems right to us? I am sure you have heard the saying "It's 11:11 make a wish." So I started looking into what was the meaning of 11:11, it is a very interesting subject. Through crystalinks they say that 11:11 is digital code meaning that it activates our DNA. They believe that many people associate 11:11 as a wake up alarm, letting us know that something needs to change. The meaning of waking up is coming to the realization that what we see is not right, people are starting to evolve into more spiritual beings, and relying less on the physical aspect of the world. Most the time seeing 11:11 is telling our subconscious to get moving, we have unfinished business we must resolve.

There are other theories out there that we are noticing 11:11 more because of angelic forces are guiding us to it. They are good entities that showing us they are there, and that they love us. I am not really sure what to think about the 11:11 phenomenon, all I know is that when I notice it, I get a feeling inside but I am not sure what the feeling means. It seems to me that 11 is a power number, so it really grabs our attention.

I am interested in your thoughts on this. What do you believe 11:11 represents? Do you notice 11:11 a lot, or is it something that goes unnoticed? Until next time.


Monday, February 18, 2008

The North American Union?

I was pointed to a video about this subject. After watching the video, I did some reading to see exactly what the North American Union was, and would be the affects on our country if such a thing was created. For those that have never heard about this, the North American Union is an idea that Bush is planning to implement. He wants to dissolve the boarders that separate the United States from Mexico and Canada. Once the boarders are dissolves, we will no longer be living in the United States, we will become residents of the North American Union. It just doesn't end there either, he wants to change our currency so that everyone would start using the "Amero". The Amero would be the combination for the US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, and the Peso.

There is a view that if this union would occur, our world would become a One-World Government, also known as the New World Order. As of right now, the idea of the North American Union is being hushed, but information about the upcoming union is beginning to be leaked out via the internet. The Eastern Union was formed much in the same way, it was kept quiet while it was being formed, and then it was implemented. It is a scary thought to think that one day we will all be governed by one body. The New World Order is something that should not be taken lightly, if I remember correctly there was a Bible prophecy about this sort of thing happening. Maybe the world is preparing for the end. I would encourage everyone to keep a close eye on this topic.

I would like to hear some responses about this topic. Do you believe this would be a good change for us? What do you believe could be the outcome of a change like this? Until next time.


Possible Population Crash?

There are studies that show by the year 2013 the human population on our planet will be 7 billion people. Please keep in mind this number is only representing people, it is not representing the other animals that inhabit the world with us. How big of a population can our planet hold before the system crashes? This is a question worth looking at. We are consuming more resources than the environment can handle. America alone is the largest consumer of world resources. Other countries are becoming to catch up with the US like China, Japan, etc.

I believe there could be something here that is simple yet overlooked. What if all the 2012 warnings are because our population is getting to big, and soon the ecosystem will begin fighting back. We have seen that if population and the environment get out whack, diseases begin to run rampant creating an equilibrium between the two. I believe that AIDs and Cancer are such diseases that are trying to balance the scale. However, with our advancements of technology, the elderly are living longer and we are able to save the infants that are to weak to stay alive on their own. Technology has been the main factor of the huge increase of population.

Even right now with a world population of 6.6 billion, we can see that our resources are getting stretched to the limit. How long will it be before the Government begins to step in and starts balancing the population? Our world will not last forever, and we are just speeding up the process for its demise. I know many people do not think about issues such as these, but we need to. The world is going to become a horrible place for our future generations and we can see this trend beginning in our own time. Now, I do not appreciate the idea of Euthanasia, but what if it starts becoming a commonly used practice to try to get a grip on this problem? Will America begin to suffer like so many third world countries because there will not be enough resources to go around? These are the topics that the politician should be focusing on rather than telling us how they are going to heal our economy. The environment and the economy go hand in hand, if you cannot heal the environment, there is not way you are going to be able to heal our economy.

What do you think about this topic? Until next time.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Year 2012 (Nibiru and the Annunaki)

There have been many claims made about the year 2012. Just type in 'the year 2012' into a search engine, and you are bound to find a plethora of theories of what is to come. The question is why is the year 2012 such an important event? There is a lot of discussion mainly because of the Mayan calender. The Mayan Calender ends on December 21st, 2012. There has been speculation that the Mayans have foreseen the end of our world, thus the abrupt end of the calender. There is also talk of a planet that could be passing by relatively close to our planet called Nibiru (a.k.a the 12th planet or Planet X). This is a theory that I find a little hard to swallow. I am sure that we would have been alerted by NASA if such event was to occur, but the die-hards believe that this is being kept a secret because the Government does not want to create a mass panic of the public. So with this in mind, lets take a look at this Nibiru as just a topic.

Nibiru is a Sumerian name for the planet that supposedly passes through our solar system by Jupiter, then around our Sun, and back out of our solar system. They believe that this planet orbit around our Sun and a Brown Dwarf outside of our Solar System. It is supposed to pass by every 3000 some years (forgive me for not being more accurate). The question of a "Planet X" first came to be when scientists found out an external force was pulling on Jupiter and Neptune. Unfortunately there was nothing beyond the planets that had a mass capable of such a feat, therefore the theory of Planet X was created.

The Sumerian's believed strongly in this Planet Nibiru, they believed that is where the Annunaki inhabited. The Annunaki were Deities that would visit earth in the early days. Supposedly the Annunaki were the ones that created humans, and left the responsibilities of the tasks in their hands when the Gods no longer performed. Some people believe that the Annunaki are coming back to Earth when Nibiru passes by in 2012. The belief is that when the Planet passes, it will change the Earth. The Earth will undergo a Pole Shift (The North Pole will become the South Pole and visa versa). Some people believe that we can see evidence already that this will come to be because of the increase of odd weather on our Planet.

There is an even stranger belief that Nibiru isn't a Planet at all. There are some out there that believes it is actually a star ship and that the Annunaki are actually a race of reptilian aliens that are coming to destroy our civilization. However, they take the standpoint that when we are attacked, another Alien race will come to our aid and save us. Once we are saved, we will then be enlightened and ready to join the intergalactic alliance.

Now the question is, what do you think? Do you think that this theory can possibly hold any water? What do you think will happen? Until next time.



Good evening, I am Roick. I will begin tonight with just a simple introduction. The purpose of this blog will be an outlet for me to share thoughts and ideas with the world on the quickly approaching future. A future that has many theorists and theologians talking about possible events that could change the face of the world as we know it. I am sure some of you may read this blog and just believe that I am a crazy individual. I will not hold anything against you if you do. I myself was, and am, a little doubtful of certain thing I have researched over the last few years. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. I would really appreciate comments and thoughts you, the reader, may have as I post my blogs. Do not hesitate to write comments, or ask questions. As a society, we should never be afraid to ask the question of "What if?". That is a part of who we are, we are beings that are seeking an answer to questions that have plagued us through out time. Some of these questions may be for example:

"Are we alone in this Universe?"

Though I can not provide proof one way or the other to this question, I can spark a debate. Do I personally believe that we are alone? No I do not. I have never seen a UFO or visited with an alien species, I can only assume my answer. The Universe if so infinite that we could not even begin to understand it's size. It would be hard for me to believe that we are the only civilization that was created. If our planet could harbor life, why would it be impossible for another planet somewhere out there to also harbor a civilization? This is an example of what I want to achieve with this blog, and open forum discussion. So please feel free to leave comments. Until next time.
