Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Please come by and check out a new forum

Hello all,

Please come by and check out this new forum. You will be able to share some insight with me and others. We are looking at really getting the forum to take off, so please register. There is no fee for registration.

Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Planet X may not be a planet after all....

I have been listening to a lot of C2C lately. One of the guests on the show had an idea that caught my attention. He brought up the point that "Planet X" or "Nibiru" might not be a planet like Zacharia Sitchin has claimed. Instead, he believed that it was a brown dwarf that was the sister star to our Sun. Since this is a brown dwarf, it is very very heavey and is projecting iron out into space. He said this iron is giong to mix with our atmosphere and poison our waters along with numerous other problems it will create. It is on the exact same path that "Nibiru" follows. He said that he would expect us to start seeing it this year. He believes that this brown dwarf is actually "Wormwood" from the book of Revelations. I have spent a lot of time reading about Wormwood, I knew it had to be some celestrial body that would be coming around; whether it is an asteriod or something else, it is going to come by Earth and create a lot of destruction.

We have now entered into a time where a lot of prophecies are going to come to pass. They are going to happen fast and people are not going to understand what is going on. It is time for us to evolve as well as the Earth. New life will come from the destruction of the old world. We are already starting to see the increase of earthquakes, volcanoes, war, famine, and disease. Take heart and try to stay safe. This is going to be a very scary time, but the end will be beautiful.

Until next time,


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Something a little different...

Today, I am not going to post about what I have been seeing in the news, or reading in the papers, nor what I have been reading about on web pages. I am instead going to give you a little piece of me. You see, I have been having very strange dreams lately. In fact, they are dreams I would rather not have at all. Lately I have been dreaming about 2 suns. In my dreams, I am usually walking outside when I look up to the sky and see 2 suns beaming down on me. I begin to panic and run into the house and try to get my family to get out of there, but to no avail. For one, no one else in my dreams seem to be scared of the situation, they just continue on with their daily lives like there is nothing wrong. The other weird part about it is that they all think I am stupid for "letting it bother me so much".

The latest dream was really spooky because when I noticed the 2 suns, I was the only one left. There were no other people to be found anywhere. So I had to deal with the terror of the suns and also being the only one left. The strange thing was that I could hear voices around me though, most were mumbling voice or a few screams, but some of them I could understand clearly and I did not like the message it portrayed. I am not going to go into that discussion here though.

Has anyone else been having these dreams lately?

Until next time,


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Something weird

Have you heard the recent news? All incoming space rocks/fireballs are now considered classified by the military. My only question is why? For many years now researchers have been allowed to study space rocks and spread information about them, but now they are no longer allowed. Could it possibly be that there is something on it's way to Earth that the powers that be do not want us to know about?

Now it is true that there could very well be a simple explanation to all of this. However, I would tend to believe that something is being covered up, only time will tell. I have been reading on forums where people are calling this the "summer of hell" because of things that are supposed to happen. Some of them are entertaining and quite comical. Others are just down right scary because it could very well happen. We are definitely seeing changes to our world, changes that will probably be better for the Earth, but could have a negative impact on us.

I am very intrigued by the world today and everything that is happening in it. It almost makes you want to not sleep at night in case you miss something. Now we have to keep our eye to the land and an eye to just never know what is coming.

Until next time,


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It has been awhile.

I have not posted a blog in a considerable amount of time. Since I have been gone, has anyone noticed a change? A change in the way that people are looking at our world. I have and I have talked to many people that have taken notice. In fact, these people were the last people I would have thought would ever take notice.

We are living in times where everything is unstable. As I write this, the would could be thrown into a massive world war. Just look at what is happening with North Korea, Iran, and Israel. These are very interesting times indeed. World War III is creeping up on us and how many of you are even paying attention? You know, Einstein once said that World War III would be fought by Nuclear weapons, then World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones. There are going to be no winners for what we are embarking on.

Not only do we have to worry about things that happening in our world, but there are a lot of oddities that are happening outside of our world. We have had several comets/asteroids of considerable size pass by the Earth since my last post. They were near-misses and NASA didn't even find them until it could have been to late to do anything.

The Sun as we speak is in a Solar Minimum. Now for those of you that think a Solar Minimum is no big deal, the last ice age that this planet went through was because of the Solar Minimum. Yet, the Earth is being pummeled by some unseen energy force. Just wait for the Solar Maximum, it's going to be a doozy this time around. I am looking to see our communication satellites being taken out. No more telephone, no more cable, no more internet, hell no more electricity period.

All I am asking you people is just pay attention to the world around you. Do not stay asleep, that is what they want. It's time to wake up and see things for what they really are. Please, wake up.

Until next time,
