Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It has been awhile.

I have not posted a blog in a considerable amount of time. Since I have been gone, has anyone noticed a change? A change in the way that people are looking at our world. I have and I have talked to many people that have taken notice. In fact, these people were the last people I would have thought would ever take notice.

We are living in times where everything is unstable. As I write this, the would could be thrown into a massive world war. Just look at what is happening with North Korea, Iran, and Israel. These are very interesting times indeed. World War III is creeping up on us and how many of you are even paying attention? You know, Einstein once said that World War III would be fought by Nuclear weapons, then World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones. There are going to be no winners for what we are embarking on.

Not only do we have to worry about things that happening in our world, but there are a lot of oddities that are happening outside of our world. We have had several comets/asteroids of considerable size pass by the Earth since my last post. They were near-misses and NASA didn't even find them until it could have been to late to do anything.

The Sun as we speak is in a Solar Minimum. Now for those of you that think a Solar Minimum is no big deal, the last ice age that this planet went through was because of the Solar Minimum. Yet, the Earth is being pummeled by some unseen energy force. Just wait for the Solar Maximum, it's going to be a doozy this time around. I am looking to see our communication satellites being taken out. No more telephone, no more cable, no more internet, hell no more electricity period.

All I am asking you people is just pay attention to the world around you. Do not stay asleep, that is what they want. It's time to wake up and see things for what they really are. Please, wake up.

Until next time,
