Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Planet X may not be a planet after all....

I have been listening to a lot of C2C lately. One of the guests on the show had an idea that caught my attention. He brought up the point that "Planet X" or "Nibiru" might not be a planet like Zacharia Sitchin has claimed. Instead, he believed that it was a brown dwarf that was the sister star to our Sun. Since this is a brown dwarf, it is very very heavey and is projecting iron out into space. He said this iron is giong to mix with our atmosphere and poison our waters along with numerous other problems it will create. It is on the exact same path that "Nibiru" follows. He said that he would expect us to start seeing it this year. He believes that this brown dwarf is actually "Wormwood" from the book of Revelations. I have spent a lot of time reading about Wormwood, I knew it had to be some celestrial body that would be coming around; whether it is an asteriod or something else, it is going to come by Earth and create a lot of destruction.

We have now entered into a time where a lot of prophecies are going to come to pass. They are going to happen fast and people are not going to understand what is going on. It is time for us to evolve as well as the Earth. New life will come from the destruction of the old world. We are already starting to see the increase of earthquakes, volcanoes, war, famine, and disease. Take heart and try to stay safe. This is going to be a very scary time, but the end will be beautiful.

Until next time,
