Monday, February 18, 2008

Possible Population Crash?

There are studies that show by the year 2013 the human population on our planet will be 7 billion people. Please keep in mind this number is only representing people, it is not representing the other animals that inhabit the world with us. How big of a population can our planet hold before the system crashes? This is a question worth looking at. We are consuming more resources than the environment can handle. America alone is the largest consumer of world resources. Other countries are becoming to catch up with the US like China, Japan, etc.

I believe there could be something here that is simple yet overlooked. What if all the 2012 warnings are because our population is getting to big, and soon the ecosystem will begin fighting back. We have seen that if population and the environment get out whack, diseases begin to run rampant creating an equilibrium between the two. I believe that AIDs and Cancer are such diseases that are trying to balance the scale. However, with our advancements of technology, the elderly are living longer and we are able to save the infants that are to weak to stay alive on their own. Technology has been the main factor of the huge increase of population.

Even right now with a world population of 6.6 billion, we can see that our resources are getting stretched to the limit. How long will it be before the Government begins to step in and starts balancing the population? Our world will not last forever, and we are just speeding up the process for its demise. I know many people do not think about issues such as these, but we need to. The world is going to become a horrible place for our future generations and we can see this trend beginning in our own time. Now, I do not appreciate the idea of Euthanasia, but what if it starts becoming a commonly used practice to try to get a grip on this problem? Will America begin to suffer like so many third world countries because there will not be enough resources to go around? These are the topics that the politician should be focusing on rather than telling us how they are going to heal our economy. The environment and the economy go hand in hand, if you cannot heal the environment, there is not way you are going to be able to heal our economy.

What do you think about this topic? Until next time.


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