Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Message?

There have been several reports of UFO sightings lately, but what do these all mean? There have always been reports of UFOs dating back to even the earliest of days. The Egyptians referred to seeing them, but today we refer to them as "ancient astronauts". Christopher Columbus mentioned seeing lights flying above him as he was making his way to the new world. Obviously, people saying they have seen a UFO is no new concept. The question is what are these things? Are they something that naturally occurs in our world, but we just don't understand what we are seeing, or could there really be beings from distant planets that are visiting our world? I will let you answer the question to how you feel about the subject.

From my point of view, I can at times be torn on the subject. I am a strong believer that there are other civilizations through out the galaxies, but I am not sure if they are the ones visiting earth. We are such an underdeveloped culture, that I don't know why they would take an interest in us. At any one time we could be on the verge of destroying ourselves. By the same token, maybe that is what they find so interesting about our civilization. Maybe they are just making observations to see what humanity does to itself without any interactions from being on the outside.

What I am really curious about is if the Government knows what is going on. There has been only one President of the US that I can think of that has actually talked about aliens. In three separate occasions Ronald Reagan brought up aliens when speaking to the public. He has said that the world would unite and differences would fade very fast if we had to work together against a threat from outside of our planet. Some may hear this and think it was just the ramblings of a mad man. However, I believe that Reagan knew and understood something that we, the public, knew nothing about. Steven Spielberg had a private showing of the movie "E.T." for Reagan in the White House. After watching the movie, it was reported that Reagan turned to Spielberg and made a statement that only a handful of people knew the real truth. The question is why is the Government keeping a secret from the public. God knows there have been enough alien movies in Hollywood that we should be able to handle the truth now, without the fear of creating mass panic. There is something out there, we just want to know what it is.
What do you think about this subject? I would really like to hear your opinions. Until next time.


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