Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Are there times when you notice the time 11:11 a lot more? Is it just something that randomly draws your attention? I am not sure. I have been noticing the time 11:11 a lot lately. It doesn't matter if the clock is correct or not, I have a couple clocks that are set two hours ahead of my time zone, and my attention is still drawn to the clock when it says 11:11.

What is about this number that just seems right to us? I am sure you have heard the saying "It's 11:11 make a wish." So I started looking into what was the meaning of 11:11, it is a very interesting subject. Through crystalinks they say that 11:11 is digital code meaning that it activates our DNA. They believe that many people associate 11:11 as a wake up alarm, letting us know that something needs to change. The meaning of waking up is coming to the realization that what we see is not right, people are starting to evolve into more spiritual beings, and relying less on the physical aspect of the world. Most the time seeing 11:11 is telling our subconscious to get moving, we have unfinished business we must resolve.

There are other theories out there that we are noticing 11:11 more because of angelic forces are guiding us to it. They are good entities that showing us they are there, and that they love us. I am not really sure what to think about the 11:11 phenomenon, all I know is that when I notice it, I get a feeling inside but I am not sure what the feeling means. It seems to me that 11 is a power number, so it really grabs our attention.

I am interested in your thoughts on this. What do you believe 11:11 represents? Do you notice 11:11 a lot, or is it something that goes unnoticed? Until next time.


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