Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Year 2012 (Nibiru and the Annunaki)

There have been many claims made about the year 2012. Just type in 'the year 2012' into a search engine, and you are bound to find a plethora of theories of what is to come. The question is why is the year 2012 such an important event? There is a lot of discussion mainly because of the Mayan calender. The Mayan Calender ends on December 21st, 2012. There has been speculation that the Mayans have foreseen the end of our world, thus the abrupt end of the calender. There is also talk of a planet that could be passing by relatively close to our planet called Nibiru (a.k.a the 12th planet or Planet X). This is a theory that I find a little hard to swallow. I am sure that we would have been alerted by NASA if such event was to occur, but the die-hards believe that this is being kept a secret because the Government does not want to create a mass panic of the public. So with this in mind, lets take a look at this Nibiru as just a topic.

Nibiru is a Sumerian name for the planet that supposedly passes through our solar system by Jupiter, then around our Sun, and back out of our solar system. They believe that this planet orbit around our Sun and a Brown Dwarf outside of our Solar System. It is supposed to pass by every 3000 some years (forgive me for not being more accurate). The question of a "Planet X" first came to be when scientists found out an external force was pulling on Jupiter and Neptune. Unfortunately there was nothing beyond the planets that had a mass capable of such a feat, therefore the theory of Planet X was created.

The Sumerian's believed strongly in this Planet Nibiru, they believed that is where the Annunaki inhabited. The Annunaki were Deities that would visit earth in the early days. Supposedly the Annunaki were the ones that created humans, and left the responsibilities of the tasks in their hands when the Gods no longer performed. Some people believe that the Annunaki are coming back to Earth when Nibiru passes by in 2012. The belief is that when the Planet passes, it will change the Earth. The Earth will undergo a Pole Shift (The North Pole will become the South Pole and visa versa). Some people believe that we can see evidence already that this will come to be because of the increase of odd weather on our Planet.

There is an even stranger belief that Nibiru isn't a Planet at all. There are some out there that believes it is actually a star ship and that the Annunaki are actually a race of reptilian aliens that are coming to destroy our civilization. However, they take the standpoint that when we are attacked, another Alien race will come to our aid and save us. Once we are saved, we will then be enlightened and ready to join the intergalactic alliance.

Now the question is, what do you think? Do you think that this theory can possibly hold any water? What do you think will happen? Until next time.


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